1. Fast Weight Loss Seldom Happens Naturally
What if you could achieve fast weight loss?
- Do you think you would be able to keep it off when most people put it back on almost as quickly as they lost it?
- And do you think it would be healthy to lose weight that quickly?
The answer to both of these questions is NO.
The best way to lose weight is to achieve it naturally with a healthy eating habit that is permanent.
Remember that temporary changes deliver temporary results which is why fad diets often don’t work.
2. Don’t Blame Your Hormones For Being Fat
Whilst there may be some people who struggle to shed weight due to their hormones or thyroid sabotaging their weight loss efforts, too many blame this for their poor eating habits and lack of discipline.
If you’re struggling to see any weight loss, or stuck in a plateau situation, it’s probably because you’re consuming too many calories and non-nutritious foods.
Stop eating convenience food which is not only causes weight gain, but it’s addictive and will have you going back for more every time.
3. Real Weight Loss Takes Longer
Don’t be fooled by rapid weight loss schemes as the only thing you’ll lose quickly is your money.
Remember that it took you longer than 7 days to put on 10kg.
Therefore, it will take a lot longer than 7 days to lose that 10kg.
4. Learn To Deal With Your Emotions
On your journey your emotions will play havoc with your goal of losing weight permanently.
For instance, these emotions will often trigger your desire to eat.
- Feeling bored?
Let’s have a tasty snack. - Feeling stressed?
Let’s go and eat out something nice.
Turning to food is often a crutch that is used to deal with, or avoid dealing with, issues.
So if you’re determined to lose weight, and keep it off, you need to have a plan in place to deal with your emotions whenever they tempt you into a quick snack to divert your mind from the issue.
5. Your Body’s Biological Response To Losing Weight Quickly Makes It Even Harder
This is a big one.
If you manage to achieve fast weight loss, your body will go into self-preservation mode which it’s biologically programmed to do.
This will happen especially if you manage to lose a significant amount of weight in an unnatural period of time.
Your body will respond by burning up to 25% fewer calories during a normal day compared to someone of identical weight but who hasn’t experienced any recent weight loss .
This is why it’s harder for overweight and obese people to lose weight as their bodies fight any weight loss by burning fewer calories and retaining the fat.
Exercise May Be Beneficial But It’s Not Essential
There is some good news however, you can’t outrun a poor diet.
In other words, exercise is NOT a crucial component in your quest to lose weight.
It is incredibly difficult to create a significant enough calorie deficit just by working out to cause any real weight loss.
The key is to let your dietary habits take care of burning fat and causing weight loss.
Therefore, eating a nutrient-dense diet packed with wholesome foods is way more important.
There Isn’t a Magic Formula For Losing Weight
It’s time to stop looking for that magic bullet that promises you easy, effortless and rapid weight loss results.
It doesn’t exist.
The real truth about sustainable weight loss is that no matter whether you think you will be successful or not, you’re probably right
So once you’ve chosen a healthy weight loss plan, believe in it
Now is the time to take responsibility for your weighty issues and start taking steps to achieve your goals.
Want an easy way to start your new eating habit that will deliver long-term results?
Get started immediately with this 14-Day Paleo Diet Plan (with recipes) to launch your exciting journey to a slimmer healthier you.