University Of Michigan Study Reveals Good News For Diabetics
Good news is that, as shown in this University Of Michigan study, a low-carb diabetic diet styled on the Banting or Paleo diets can reduce insulin resistance & reverse diabetes.
Hopefully evidence such as this will encourage people, especially South Africans, to embrace a diabetic diet in South Africa for their health & well being.
The results, according to this study conducted by the University of Michigan, found the following;
- insulin resistance was reduced by more than 30% after three low-carb were consumed within a 24 hours period
- insulin resistance levels were sustained after three high-carb meals were consumed in a 24 hour period
- insulin resistance is a condition that leads to high blood pressure, prediabetes and diabetes
- surprisingly, the study also revealed that two hours of moderate exercise, which was thought to reduce insulin resistance and blood sugar levels, had no impact on either of these.
“high-carb meals sustain insulin resistance, a condition that leads to high blood pressure, prediabetes and diabetes” University of Michigan – Study
These findings are especially significant for diabetics in South Africa when you consider the poor eating habits of South Africans giving rise to obesity & diabetes in particular.
However, the results of this study are really encouraging for diabetes sufferers as it provides conclusive proof that by following a low-carb, diabetic diet, insulin resistance can be restricted & even lowered after just a few low-carb meals.
Diabetic Eating Plan South Africa
Diabetes sufferers need to know that embarking on a diabetic diet in South Africa could help them fight this awful disease.
In fact, with the growing prevalence of diabetes, largely due to poor eating habits, it is worth promoting a diabetic eating plan in South Africa.
One of the major obstacles to getting people in South Africa to improve their eating habits is that convenience food is often cheaper than wholesome, nutritional food.
What Is a Good Diabetic Diet?
What is clear in the University of Michigan’s findings (above) is that for anyone who is pre-diabetic, or has type-2 diabetes, a low-carb diet will help reduce insulin resistance & therefore reverse diabetes.
A LCHF diet such as the Banting diet is the type of diet that would be a perfect way to start.
- If you need proof as to the success of this diet you need look no further than Prof Tim Noakes who was on his way to full blown diabetes & heading down the same route as his father & uncle who both died from this disease.
- He eventually realised that the well known high-carb, low-fat diet was what was actually making him fat & increasing his insulin resistance.
- Luckily for him he realised this in time & embarked on the Banting diet & eliminated all sugars & most carbs from his diet which caused him to lose a significant amount of weight as well as reel in his diabetes.
- As of now he is totally off his diabetic medication & according to him has never felt better since going on this diet.
Watch this short compelling video explaining exactly How You Can Reverse Your Diabetes here »