Take This Healthy Diet Quiz To Sharpen Up Your Food Choices!
Before you start, I should just mention that if you’re not keen on signing up with your email address before proceeding with the quiz, you don’t have to.
- Just click “Skip and continue” below the form and you’ll still get your results after completing the quiz.
- But, you may miss out on getting some awesome recipes and stuff emailed to you in the future!
1-Minute Quiz: How Healthy Is Your Diet?

The results may surprise you!
And, as a bonus, you’ll see a link to get your own customised diet plan that will be tailored to your personal food preferences, gender and weight loss goals.

Healthy Food Lists: To Make Better Dietary Choices
Whilst Paleo, Banting, and Keto have their differences, they all offer awesome health and weight loss benefits.
Furthermore, they’re basically all low-carb, high-fat, and protein diets which have proven to be effective ways of eating for many.
So, when you’re confused as to whether something is good or bad for you, just refer to any of these food lists to get some clarity.
In fact, if you make all your food choices based on these food lists your diet and health could improve dramatically.
Paleo Food List – What You Can & Cannot Eat On the Paleo Diet
Banting Green List of Wholesome Low-Carb Banting Foods
Keto Low-Carb Diet Food List