Develop a 21 Day Eating Habit That Burns Fat
Do you think you could stick to a different way of eating for just 21 days if you knew it would help you lose weight?
If you can follow a “science based” diet like this, then you’ll finally realise how to lose weight fast.
Let’s face it, we’re only interested in knowing how to lose weight fast…
Nobody really wants to lose weight slowly unless they’re worried about it being bad for them.
Rest assured, you’ll see below that there’s nothing wrong with rapid weight loss.
Furthermore, the reason why so many diets fail is that anyone who’s overweight is only interested in knowing how to lose weight fast.
Slow weight loss doesn’t motivate anyone so if after 21 days there are no significant weight loss results you’ll probably be disillusioned and ditch that particular diet.
What’s even worse is that you’ll more than likely revert to your old, bad eating habits.
However, the good news is, if you want to know how to lose weight fast you can by developing a healthy 21 day eating plan…
Want a 3 Week Diet That Works?
See What Others Are Saying About How Effective This Diet Is »
The Science Behind a Successful 21 Day Diet
For diet to be successful it needs to comply with these 2 criteria;
- In 21 days it must get the dieter to develop a specific eating habit
- It must produce significant, visible results in 21 days for the dieter to remain focused and motivated to continue
Research shows that it takes us roughly 21 days (3 weeks) to develop a new habit and there’s nothing you can’t do if you get the habit right
This is how it works…
- Whilst you can develop a healthy eating habit in just 21 days, there needs to be some sort of motivation for it to become part of your life.
- So if it’s an eating plan, or diet, to lose weight and has produced encouraging results within the 21 days, it’s likely that it’ll become a lifestyle change that will permanently affect the way you look and feel.
- However, when it comes to considering a new diet to lose weight, we often don’t even get it off the ground as we see this as a life long sacrifice and not just a 21 day plan – after 21 days it should become a habit.
- So, when embarking on a new plan that is perceived to involve a certain amount of hardship, procrastination sets in and it gets shelved for a future date.
- But, when thinking of it as a short term 21 day plan, it’s a lot easier to cope with
- I mean, anyone can do 21 days, right?
- Therefore, if your brain understands that once this 21 day “trial period” is done you can revert to your old eating habits.
- Whilst your brain agrees to go with this “trial period” it will be working to form new neural pathways once it realizes that the new habit has benefited you positively in some way.
- This is the science behind habit developing and research has shown that it takes approximately 21 days to develop new habits or to break old ones.
Successful weight loss is more about hunger control than portion control…
Control your hunger by avoiding addictive, sugary foods (carbs)
What Is the Ideal Diet To Lose Weight Fast?
If you want to know how to lose weight fast you would need to discover and identify the ideal diet amoungst all the diets out there.

The ideal diet should fulfill these requirements;
- Notice real results daily
- See your scale moving downwards daily
- Feeling your clothes fit better and looser on your body
- Looking better and feeling lighter
- Felling motivated to commit without reservation to the diet and reaching your goal weight in a quicker time than you thought possible.
- Not having to restrict your eating or starve yourself
If your diet does this for you then you have discovered the diet that everyone is searching for because you can be assured it will work for you.
Furthermore, the diet that will do this for you is the one that is based on science and that has been proven to be extremely effective for millions of people for the past several decades.
It should also take into account your own biology and hormones and how your body processes, utilizes, stores and burns body fat.
A diet that disregards all of this has little chance of producing quick results for you.
The Science Based 3 Week Diet Plan That Works

Research shows that it takes us roughly 21 days (3 weeks) to develop a new habit.
This is how it works for a diet…
- Whilst you can develop a healthy eating habit in just 21 days, there needs to be some sort of motivation for it to become part of your life.
- So if it’s an eating plan, or diet, to lose weight and has produced encouraging results within the 21 days, it’s likely that it’ll become a lifestyle change that will permanently affect the way you look and feel.
- However, when it comes to considering a new diet to lose weight, we often don’t even get it off the ground as we see this as a life long sacrifice and not just a 21 day plan – after 21 days it should become a habit.
- So, when embarking on a new plan that is perceived to involve a certain amount of hardship, procrastination sets in and it gets shelved for a future date.
- But, when thinking of it as a short term 21 day plan, it’s a lot easier to cope with
- I mean, anyone can do 21 days, right?
- Therefore, if your brain understands that once this 21 day “trial period” is done you can revert to your old eating habits.
- Whilst your brain agrees to go with this “trial period” it will be working to form new neural pathways once it realizes that the new habit has benefited you positively in some way.
- This is the science behind habit developing and research has shown that it takes approximately 21 days to develop new habits or to break old ones.
7 Reasons Why This 3 Week Diet Works
- You will soon see that you will notice favorable body composition changes in the very first couple of days on the diet.
- In the very first week alone, you will be likely seeing 10 pounds of fat stripped away from your body.
- Your clothes will be looser… You’ll feel lighter… And you’ll look and feel 10x better than you did just a week before
- The 3 Week Diet is about maximizing the nutrients that we do need while restricting those that we do not.
- Really, it is all about eating the right foods in the right quantities at the right time.
- When done correctly, we are able to put our body into a 24/7 fat burning mode
- You won’t suffer with hunger cravings or have to restrict your portion sizes
What Makes Us Fat?

You’ve been hearing the same old bogus story for years now from all sorts of people including the so-called nutritional experts & authorities in the weight loss game.
3 Things That Don’t Help You To Lose Fat
- To lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more
- The calories in – calories out theory: eat less calories than you burn
- Fat makes us fat so if you eat less fat you won’t get fat
The sad part is that many still believe this rubbish despite these theories having been proven, time and time again, to be complete nonsense.
These diets fail to take into account of how our bodies perform and how the food we eat is metabolized.
They just take a simplified incorrect approach by implying that weight gain is only caused by eating too much fat or not being active enough.
When in actual fact, eating good fats and reducing carbohydrate intake will accelerate your fat loss.
Whilst these bogus theories blame us for being overweight, they refuse to acknowledge what science has already proven.
Now for the truth about why we get fat…
Simply put, we get fat through consumption of carbohydrates.
This is a fact and in order to become a lean, clean fat burning machine you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake drastically.
This is because when you restrict your carbohydrate intake, you will become leaner.
This is a scientific fact based on the human body’s response to your hormones and how they are affected by the foods we eat.
“Part of the problem with low-fat diets is that they are often high in carbohydrate, especially from rapidly digested sources, such as white bread and white rice. And diets high in such foods increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.”
Source: Harvard, School Of Public Health; Obesity Prevention Source – Food and Diet
This is what happens when you eat carbs…
- When we eat carbohydrates, particularly simple carbs like bread, pastries, soda drinks, our blood
sugar increases rapidly. - When this happens the pancreas secretes insulin into the bloodstream.
- The job of insulin is to attempt to normalise our blood sugar levels which it does this by moving the sugar out of the blood and into the muscles, liver and fat cells.
- For diabetics and insulin resistance people, this process doesn’t work very well and puts them in danger of having a dangerously high level of blood sugar which would be toxic.
- This is the reason for diabetics having to depend on injecting insulin into their bodies to keep them alive and functioning properly.
- Whilst insulin is necessary for controlling blood sugar levels that are triggered by consumption of carbs, it is also becomes very problematic when it comes to our ability to lose weight.
- Insulin is also a storage hormone which means that excess carbs, those that aren’t burnt or used for energy, are
broken down and stored in our cells as fat. - This therefore contributes to weight gain and excess fat.
- So by performing the task, as explained above, insulin not only stores those carbs in fat cells, but it also inhibits our body’s ability to burn that fat that is stored in our fat cells.
This all means that high carbohydrate consumption = increased insulin levels trying to break down the glucose (carbs) = causes more fat to be stored in your fat cells, without any fat burning taking place by your body
Therefore depending on whether you’re eating a diet high in carbohydrates, you’re either storing fat or burning it.
But we need carbs for energy…
This may be news to many but fat is a far more efficient and cleaner source of energy.
The trick is to train your body to look to using fat for energy instead of carbohydrate which is its default source of energy.
Carbs also hamper the fat burning process as they cause blood sugar spikes and insulin secretion in response to this.
Whilst blood sugar is quickly normalised, the insulin remains in the system for a few hours which prevents any fat burning from taking place during that time.
Another worrying issue is that whilst various cells in the body have a need for fat, they are deprived of it while insulin is cruising around your system.
This causes another drop in blood sugar which sends frantic messages to your brain that you are hungry and you start looking for a quick fix in the form of a hamburger or some other convenience food.
And so the cycle to obesity and diabetes begins…
Carbohydrate Restriction Will Encourage Your Body To Burn Fat
- Because your brain has conditioned you into craving carbohydrates it is always going to be difficult to stop reaching for another piece of pizza or tasty pastry.
- Your brain tells you, you need these foods which causes you to crave more.
- To stop these cravings you need to reprogram it by eating foods that are non-addictive, like nutrient dense wholesome foods that you can eat until you feel full and satisfied.
- By reducing your carb intake drastically you will stop craving sugars and will slowly start to condition your brain into not telling you it wants potatoes, pizza, pastries and other simple carbs.restricting the carbohydrate content of your diet you will
If you don’t do this you will always be craving sugars (carbs) and you will live with the struggle of not being able to lose weight.
On the other hand however, if you really want to change the way you look and feel, it’s not a lot to ask of you to change your eating habits for just 21 days with the 3 week diet plan – if it doesn’t work (which I highly doubt) then you’ve lost nothing.
For effective weight loss, you need to become fat-adapted…
The 3 Week Diet will show you how to accomplish this & become a lean, fat burning machine.
Is It Dangerous To Lose Weight Fast?
I know one thing…
It’s dangerous living with a body that’s overweight, let alone obese.
Carrying extra weight places extreme stress on your heart, liver, kidneys, spine you name it.
In fact extra weight just makes it harder for your body to function properly whist stressing all your vital organs not to mention becoming a good candidate for diabetes, heart disease and other nasty conditions.
So I would suggest that the quicker you get rid of your extra weight, the better.
It should also be noted that there are ways to lose weight really fast that could be classified as dangerous.
Want a professional opinion on fast weight loss?
Dr. Michael Dansinger (the doctor who consults with the producers of the NBC hit show “The Biggest Loser”), states that it’s quite safe for people to lose 20 pounds (9 Kg) in a week if they do it right.
The 3 Week Diet (Based On Science) Shows You How To Do It Right »
However, if you truly want to burn 10-20+ pounds of body fat in the next
21 days and if you’re willing to follow this diet without deviation—then I personally
guarantee that you will lose weight.

As I’ve harped on above, the fastest and easiest way to lose weight is to restrict your intake of carbohydrates.
Instead, once you become fat adapted (by cutting out carbs and including healthy fats), you will become a lean, clean fat burning machine.
When your brain gets conditioned to turning to your fat reserves for fuel, your body breaks down those stubborn triglycerides (the stored, stubborn body fat that is stuck inside the fat cells) and releases those fatty acids back into the bloodstream to be used for energy.
As a result your fat cells reduce which means you start losing fat.
On The 3 Week Diet, your body will be conditioned to burn only fat for going about your daily tasks as well as exercising.
Losing weight on this 3 Week Diet is a matter of strategic eating…
It’s a combination of weaning you off carbohydrates and eating very specific types of proteins and fats that are consumed in the appropriate amounts at just the right time.
By following The 3 Week Diet religiously for 21 days should result in body fat losses of up to 0.5 Kg (1 pound) of fat every day.
Lastly, if you add The 3 Week Workout to the diet, fat loss is typically more than 0.5 Kg per day and you’ll begin seeing encouraging results after just a couple of days.
Take a look at this science based 3 Week Diet that’s guaranteed to melt away between 5.5 to 10.5Kgs of fat in just 21 days