Keto diet pills & other keto diet supplements, like keto pure diet pills & keto plus, have seen a surge in popularity due to their promising weight loss claims.
However, are these keto supplements just a waste of money or a real solution to weight & health issues?
Keto diet pills are designed to change the way you process food, with the aim of causing fast weight loss & a healthier body.
However, the claims made by some of the supplement manufacturers may not be scientifically correct.
Keto supplements are also known as Exogenous Ketones, ketones that can be ingested from outside, as opposed to Endogenous ketones, those produced naturally within the body.
How the keto diet works, simply put, is to place you in a state of ketosis by eating a diet high in healthy fats whilst restricting your intake of carbohydrate. So instead of having carbs for energy, your body is forced into a metobalic state of ketosis & uses fat as its energy source.
Ketosis causes your liver to produce ketones from fat, which the body uses as its main fuel source, resulting in weight loss.
Therefore, by taking keto diet pills, the aim is to go into ketosis without having to strictly adhere to the ketogenic diet.
Simply put, the hope is that by taking Exogenous ketones you would get all the keto diet benefits without having to be too strict about what you eat.
Keto Diet Pills – Top 4 Benefits
These were the top benefits that around 200 respondents reported after taking keto diet pills & other keto supplements, from a survey conducted by Diet Doctor.
- Increased energy levels. *
- Improved cognitive function & mental clarity
- Weight loss
- Reduced hunger & decreased food craving
* Some supplements have been found to contain substances (undisclosed) that are known to increase energy
6 More Benefits Of Taking Keto Supplements
- Increases the body’s fat burning leading to accelerated weight loss.
- Enhances your mood & positivity.
- Improves athletic performance
- Aids ketosis after consuming carbs.
- Decreases inflammation which not only inhibits weight loss, but is a major cause of many illnesses & other ailments.
- Improves sleep.
More Keto Supplements
- Magnesium is a mineral that boosts energy, regulates blood sugar levels and supports your immune system. Keto friendly foods that are rich in magnesium include; spinach, avocado, pumpkin seeds & mackerel
- MCT Oil, or Medium Tri-Glyrerides, are broken down by the liver and quickly enter your bloodstream where they’re used as a fuel source for your brain and muscles.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids, found mainly in fish, benefit health in many ways such as reducing inflammation, lower heart disease risk and improve brain function.
- Vitamin D is improves the absorption of calcium, which is an important nutrient that could be lacking on the keto diet.
- Digestive Enzymes help break down fats (lipases) and proteins (proteases) to optimise digestion which some could have problems with on this high fat, low carb diet.
- Exogenous Ketones are those ketones that you get through an external source and have been shown to boost athletic performance, speed muscle recovery and decrease appetite leading to weight loss.
- Greens Powder can be consumed to boost your vegetable intake & usually contain contain a mixture of powdered plants like spinach, spirulina, chlorella, kale, broccoli, wheatgrass, etc.
- Electrolyte Supplements or Mineral-Rich Foods such as dark leafy greens, nuts, avocados and seeds are all keto-friendly foods that are high in both magnesium and potassium & help prevent symptoms such as headaches, muscle cramps and fatigue.
- Supplements To Help Boost Athletic Performance include creatine, caffeine, branched-chain amino acids, HMB, beta-alanine will help preserve muscle mass, boost performance and prevent fatigue.
Including supplements, or exogenous ketones, while on a ketogenic diet can ease you into this way of eating without experiencing the dreaded keto flu.
Furthermore, taking supplements, such as keto diet pills, may enhance the nutritional value of a keto diet and help optimise the benefits you can enjoy on this diet.
5 Warnings – Keto Pills & Supplements
- Price – Keto supplements are generally very expensive and could set you back a significant amount of money every month if you take the recommended amounts.
- Disclosure – Sometimes manufacturers do not provide the full details of the content and/or amounts that go into their products.
- Science – Often the so called “scientific” benefits of taking keto diet pills & supplements are those that are enjoyed by endogenous ketones (naturally produced) rather than extragenous ketones from supplements.
- False Marketing – Beware of hyped up claims of “fat melting off your body” which in all likelihood will not happen
- Hidden Ingredients – Some products have been found to include substances such as malic acid, which is known to increase energy, as well as large quantities of caffeine.
There is very little evidence to suggest that keto supplements (exogenous ketones) produce the results that are claimed by the manufacturers.
Furthermore, remember that to get your body into a state of ketosis, in which your liver will produce ketones from the fat and will be your body’s main fuel source, you’ll need to eat food from the keto food list.
Therefore, in my opinion, I would not waste my hard earned cash on keto pills & supplements that are unlikely to work as hoped.
I find that by following a healthy keto diet, I eat less, love my food & have boundless energy as well as a lean, trim body that I’m more than happy with.
Lastly, I find that having a wide variety of keto recipes at my fingertips helps to produce delicious keto approved meals & desserts to maintain this healthy way of eating.
Not Convinced That Keto Pills & Supplements Will Work?
Then This Keto Cookbook (+12 Week Meal Plan) Will Help You Turn Your Body Into a Fat Burning Machine
Download Your Keto Cookbook Here »
The Cookbook comes with the following…
– Over 370 Full-Color, Mouth Watering Keto Recipes
– The Ultimate Guide to the Ketogenic Diet
– Keto Slow Cook Meals – 30 Tasty, Set-and-Forget Keto Recipes
– Keto Desserts – 40 Low Carb – Guilt Free Desserts
– 12 Week Meal Plan + Shopping Lists for Each Week
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