No-Bake Paleo Almond Butter Bars
These Paleo almond butter bars are not only totally gluten free, but also incredibly tasty.
Being “no-bake” bars makes them even easier & less hassle to make.
With a stash of these little tasty Paleo treats in the house I never find myself craving the commercially produced gluten & sugar laden bars.
In fact, maybe it’s all the almonds, but after a few of these I feel totally satisfied unlike after having the common chocolate covered bar variety which always leave me craving more.
So give these no-bake Paleo almond butter bars a try, I’m sure you’ll love them.
Recipe For Paleo Almond Butter Bars
- ½ cup chopped pecan nuts
- ½ cup chopped walnuts
- ½ cup ground almonds
- ¼ cup nut butter of choice (almond butter)
- ¼ cup honey (not strictly Paleo, but try & use raw organic honey)
- Pinch of salt
- 1 ½ tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons coconut flour
- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Place nuts, ground almonds, coconut oil and salt in a saucepan and heat gently until toasted
- Mix in the honey and stir until heated through.
- Remove from heat
- Cool for a few minutes
- Add the nut butter, vanilla essence and coconut flour and mix well
- Line a square dish 20cm x 20cm with baking paper
- Pour the mixture into the prepared dish and flatten
- Refrigerate until firm
- Cut into squares or bars and store in a sealed container the fridge or freezer
Being on the Paleo or Banting LCHF diet does not mean that you only have to eat bland unexciting meals without indulging in any tasty treats.
In fact there are so many delicious & exciting dishes found in either the Paleo or Banting diets (which are very similar with a few small differences) that you should never get bored with this healthy way of eating.
Download This Fantastic Collection Of Delicious LCHF Paleo Recipes & 8-Week Paleo Meal Plan here »