2013 Wasn’t the Year Of the Paleo Diet For Nothing…
Whilst it’s popularity is still high, not least of all due to the enormous success people have had with it’s weight loss benefits, it has had its fair share of controversy.
It’s critics have come in the form of health professionals and nutritionists, but when all’s said & done its hard to dispute that there are several solid reasons why the Paleo diet works for natural weight loss & health benefits.
Everyone’s different, so some people may experience quicker results than others, or react differently to other people when changing their eating habits so if you’re at all worried it would be advisable to consult a medical professional before changing your diet.
The Paleo Diet…
“Lose weight and get healthy by eating the foods you were designed to eat” – Loren Cordain (American scientist specialising in nutrition & exercise physiology and also advocates the Paleo diet)
5 Real Life Reasons Why the Paleo Diet Could Work For You
1. Laziness

If you’re like me, and most people I suspect, you’ll want to achieve the best health & weight loss results with the least amount of effort, discipline, suffering & sacrifice.
People who haven’t experienced living the Paleo way will tell you that you can’t look healthy & fit without working out.
Well the joke is on them because when you eat nutrient dense, sugar-free foods & cut out the heavy training sessions, you actually can’t help but become fit (and look fit).
The great thing with living the Paleo lifestyle is that you can get significantly better results with little or no training (but eating right) than someone who does 20 to 30 hours per week but thinks they have licence to eat what they like.
The bottom line is you can’t outrun a bad diet, and a healthy diet will deliver you better results than the gym bunny who eats what he likes.
2. Cravings & Delicious Food

One of the reasons the Paleo diet is nothing short of spectacular for weight loss is that it eliminates cravings for sugar & junk food in general.
Also, when you’re eating nutrient dense wholesome foods, you can pretty much eat as much as you want.
The reason you don’t need to restrict the amount you eat is because you basically eat until you’re full and feel satisfied.
This is the opposite to what happens when you eat meals made up of simple carbs and convenience foods.
This type of food hardly ever satisfies you and after eating any amount you’re generally left wanting more because this type of food (sugar) is addictive.
Eating Paleo meals is not only about meat & leafy vegetables.
There’s a massive choice when it comes to Paleo approved foods and delicious recipes.
In fact with Paleo, there are so many different exciting recipes & meals that you can eat all the time to keep you feeling full & satiated without having to worry about weight gain.
3. Look Good, Feel Good

I’m yet to meet anyone who doesn’t want to look & feel good although I wonder sometimes they way people do look.
I can only think this is because they just aren’t aware, or don’t want to believe, that eating awesome foods all the time, can can have a significant effect on the way you look and feel.
Or perhaps it’s because some people are just negative by nature and find it far easier to dismiss an opportunity to look great (by eating right) as a fad diet.
It’s a shame when you see obese & unhealthy people who you know could improve their lives by changing their bad eating habits.
heck, even your skin glows on the Paleo diet, not to mention looking more ripped & fit.
The amazing thing is you can’t help achieving these good changes to your body as they happen automatically.
When you eat good, you look good.
2 Studies Reveal How Subjects Placed On a Short Term Paleo Diet Lost Weight
a. Incidentally, this study done on 14 students (men & women) who were placed on a 3-week Paleo diet, revealed the subjects experienced (on average) the following improvements;
- 2.3kg weight loss
- BMI reduction of 0.8
- Waist decreased by 1,5cm
- Systolic blood pressure decreased by 3mm Hg.
b. For women who are desperate to lose weight, this study conducted on 10 women who were placed on a Paleo diet for 5 weeks revealed the following;
- Each one lost an average of 4.5 kg
- Each woman lost 8 cm in waist size (on average)
- Experienced an average reduction in liver fat of 49%
4. Illness

Nobody enjoys being sick but haven’t you noticed how people who always seem to be getting sick are the ones who don’t seem to live a healthy lifestyle.
It’s no coincidence that a poor diet has a detrimental effect on your health including illnesses from the common cold to diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
A high carbohydrate diet and all that sugar destroys your immune system which exposes you to any bug that’s going around.
People who have adopted the Paleo way of eating will find their immune system gets boosted as opposed to getting trashed with junk foods & sugars.
In fact, as Paleo excludes grains, gluten (study shows us humans can’t digest gluten properly) & all the other bad stuff, even people with allergies will find that they either disappear or become less severe.
So not getting sick and reducing your exposure to serious illness is a good enough reason to dive head first into the Paleo diet.
5. Certainty Of a Positive Outcome

Embarking on a new diet to achieve a certain outcome can often be a bit of a gamble and nobody wants to waste their time and money on something that is not certian of providing a positive outcome.
Like I said above, everyone’s different so some people may experience quicker or different results than others, but one thing’s pretty certain and that is by following the Paleo diet properly (it’s not difficult) you will notice a difference in your body shape & your health.
So if you’re like me and you need to have confidence that your choice of diet (Paleo in this case) is a good one, then worry not as the research backing the Paleo way of eating is pretty darned solid.
Evolutionary biology and modern genetic science show how we can influence how our genes express themselves and what we do or what we eat can turn our genes off or on.
The health & weight loss benefits of a low-carb, high-fat diet have been challenged for ages by the medical profession & big business which stands to lose the most.
Take a Look At the Weight Loss Results Delivered By This Medical Study Done After a Sample Of Obese Subjects Were Placed On a Low Carb Diet For 6 Months

However, the dietary science of the benefits of a LCHF Paleo styled diet are almost irrefutable now as shown in numerous studies.
For example, this study published in The New England Journal Of Medicine conducted on 132 obese individuals were instructed to eat either a low-fat or a low-carb diet over 6 months.
Many of the subjects had metabolic syndrome or type-2 diabetes.
The low-fat dieters were calorie restricted.
The results showed that
- The low-carb group lost an average of 5.8 kg
- The low-fat group lost only 1.9 kg each
So as more and more medical professionals & researchers begin to understand the true nature of insulin and how low-carb, high fat diets can manage obesity and associated conditions the more people are adopting the Paleo and other LCHF diets for significant health improvements & weight loss.
Judging by the amount of people I’ve seen who’ve improved their quality of life, if it’s just by feeling good with their new slim bodies or they’ve managed to get off their diabetic meds, I’m certain of one thing…
And that is that the Paleo way of eating and living is the optimal way to always have the most energy, the most fun, look the best and live the longest.
Lastly,the Paleo Diet will do amazing things for you just by eating as much as you like of delicious lean meats and fish, fresh fruits, nuts, snacks, non-starchy vegetables and more.
You will lose weight, reverse or prevent diabetes, treat heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome as well as many other illnesses.
The Paleo diet is based on eating the types of foods that us humans were genetically designed to eat as opposed to the food that we find in our modern day which causes so much damage to our health as well as causing weight gain.
PS. 2 More effective low-carb diets are Banting & keto, but what is Banting?