Table of Contents
The Banting Green List Of Foods
The complete Banting Green List shows you exactly what foods you are allowed to eat on this awesome low-carb diet.
Not only will your body thrive by being fuelled by all the wholesome foods on this Banting green list (Keto friendly too), but you can eat until you’re full without worrying about weight gain.
Incidentally, Prof Tim Noakes is a huge supporter of the Banting Green List which is often referred to as the “Tim Noakes Green List Of Foods”.
The Complete Banting Green List

Animal Protein
- Eggs (all types)
- Beef, poultry & game (grass-fed & free-range)
- Naturally cured meats & sausages (parma ham, chorizo, salami)
- Seafood (except for those high in mercury content such as some tuna, swordfish & tilefish)
- Offal
Dairy (organic)
- Milk (full cream)
- Yogurt – full cream Greek (be wary of low-fat options as they normally contain loads of sugar)
- Cheeses
- Cottage cheese
- Cream
(Note: if you are lactose intolerant it is best to limit your intake of any dairy product)
- Avocado oil
- Animal fats
- Butter & cheese (organic)
- Coconut oil
- Duck fat
- Ghee
- Lard
- Macadamia oil
- Olive oil
Nuts & Seeds
- Almonds
- Flax seeds
- Macadamia nuts
- Pecan nuts
- Pine nuts
- Pumpkin seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Walnuts
(Note: Peanuts are to be avoided as they are not nuts but actually legumes which are not Banting approved)
- Green leafy vegetables (including spinach, cabbage, lettuce etc)
- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Aubergines
- Avocados
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Courgettes
- Leeks
- Mushrooms
- Olives
- Onions
- Peppers
- Pumpkin
- Radishes
- Sauerkraut
- Spring onions
- Tomatoes
- Generally, any vegetable that is grown above the ground (so not potatoes)
- Stevia
- Xylitol
Take a Look At the Complete Banting Diet Food List – Green, Orange & Red Lists »
When Choosing Food From the Banting Green List, Know This…
- Fatty cuts of meat are not only Banting-approved but are often cheaper as well as tastier.
- There’s a massive difference between over-the-counter meat from your local supermarket and grass-fed, organic meat. It’s therefore important to only choose grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and so on, as it can have a significant effect on your health.
- Choose a wide variety of foods to make it more interesting as well as providing you with a bigger range of different nutrients.
- Only buy foods that you recognise in their natural state & remember that organic, grass-fed & free-range is best.
- Always avoid any processed or convenience foods.
- Avoid eating too much protein in one sitting & remember this is not a high protein diet, but a medium protein, low-carb, high-fat diet.
The Orange Banting List is that of all the borderline foods, which are those that are not 100% Banting approved but also not really that bad and can be consumed in moderation.
Grain-Fed vs Grass-Fed Beef, What’s the Big Deal?
The Banting green list advocates choosing grass-fed beef and everything organic.
This is because far healthier than the chemically induced alternative which is pumped full of antibiotics and hormones to make them grow faster.
They’re also fattened up with a diet of loads of corn and grain which you don’t want ending up in your body.
Furthermore, the grain they’re fed is likely to be genetically modified (GMO) and covered in pesticides and full of bad Omega 6>
Benefits of eating grass-fed beef
- Contains more key nutrients, which include antioxidants, vitamins as well as a healthy fat (CLA) which can improve your immunity and has anti-inflammation benefits.
- More Omega-3, essential fatty acids, compared to the harmful, inflammation-causing Omega-6 which finds its way into grain-fed beef via the grains the cows eat. Omega-3 reduces inflammation and reduces heart disease amoungst its other health benefits.
- Grass-fed cows eat natural food which increases the amount of beta-carotene and vitamin E.
- Another benefit is that it’s also far tastier than the grain-fed variety.
- The biggest downside is convenience and cost, although it can usually be found at farmers’ markets where the prices won’t be prohibitive either.
The bottom line is that being fed grain is not the kind of diet that is natural for cows.
This leads to an increase of E coli in their guts which promotes the spread of disease.
Furthermore, grain-fed beef is a product of an unnatural diet containing dangerous bacteria, antibiotics, high amounts of Omega 6, and other chemicals from pesticides.
Therefore, if you thought the difference between grain and grass-fed was negligible, you can see how the former can damage your health while the latter can improve it.
Losing Weight Is All About Hunger Control & Not Portion Control
The beauty of sticking to eating foods only on this Banting diet green list is that you can basically eat as much as you like with little danger of overeating…
…the reason for this is that real, wholesome Banting foods & meals are non-addictive and will leave you feeling satisfied & satiated without wanting more or still feeling hungry.
This is just what helps to control your hunger naturally.
And is exactly what Prof Tim Noakes says about eating low-carb, nutrient-rich, wholesome foods.
Real, nutrient-dense foods are non-addictive, non-fattening, and will make you feel & look better naturally.
Last Thoughts On Eating From the Banting Green List
Unlike traditional diets that support smaller meal portions combined with exercise, you will be able to eat to hunger if you stick to the foods on the Banting Green List without having to worry about weight gain.
Furthermore, eating real food & healthy fats is nutritious and satisfying without making you fat, unlike eating processed food which is addictive & causes weight gain.
Conversely, the foods to avoid are on the Banting Red List.
As a rough guide to preparing meals this Banting green list, aim to cover half your plate with vegetables, add a portion of animal protein, and include some healthy fats like fish or avocado.
By eating this way, you can basically eat to hunger and still enjoy encouraging weight loss & health improvements as long as you stick to food from this Banting Green List.
PS. Putting All These Foods Together Can Be Confusing…
However, this Banting Diet Plan (Free) Will Help You Stick To the Banting Green List.
I was a ‘beige’ food addict for 58 years, living mainly on fats, carbohydrates and sugar. Needless to say, after I became inactive at 40, I slowly doubled my body mass over 18 years.
I have been eating foods from the green list for almost 2 weeks now. I’ve lost 10% of the total weight I want to shed. I’ve found I have absolutely NO craving for carbos (including sugar) and only eat until I’m full when I’m hungry.
My only concern is, I am addicted to Coke Zero, and drink about 2 litres of it per day. I used Coke Zero as a replacement for the 20 cigarettes I smoked per day for 40 years, almost 2 years ago.
I would really appreciate a comprehensive explanation as to why diet soda’s are never again list.
With sincere thanks.
I want to loose weight and I start banting on 19 June 2018. Which sugar must I eat and cool drink I may drink?
Hi Vicky
If you’re really serious about losing weight I would recommend not drinking cool drink or eating sugar at all.
Rather drink water or green tea, for example, instead of cool drinks & if you really have to substitute sugar use something like xylitol.
It’s best though to get your brain not to crave the sweetness as this only creates temptation – once you’re past craving sweet stuff you’ll only want to eat good wholesome stuff without the cravings or feeling hungry.
All the best
Hi I am a Type 2 Diabetic for the past 35 years. at the beginning of the year I suddenly went into a very low bg level and ever since my bg is gone haywire. How can I go onto the Banting Diet and maintain the insulin dosage until such time I don’t need to take medication any longer.
Hi there
Many people have experienced encouraging results wrt to lower blood sugar levels, and in some cases completely going off their diabetic meds, after going on a low-carb Banting styled diet.
However, everyone’s different so I would recommend that you consult a registered dietician/medical practitioner before experimenting although it’s likely that excluding all sugars and going low-carb or carb-free would signal some improvement.
Here’s some more info regarding a typical diabetes diet: