Compared to men, women get such a raw deal when it comes to their weight, which makes this particular weight loss diet plan for women so popular.
Whilst some weight loss plans may work just as well for women as for men, men are genetically designed with a higher ratio of muscle to fat, allowing them to eat more without experiencing the weight gain that women do.
The Road To Permanent Weight Loss For Women Is a Personal Journey Which Requires a Female Specific Fat Loss Diet Plan
So for men, the testosterone they have, and the estrogen that they don’t have, gives them an extra advantage over women in the weight loss race.
Moreover, women’s bodies are made up of roughly 6% to 11% more body fat than men & maintain that ratio without consuming any extra calories.
It’s seems so unfair, that it just takes a wishful glance at a decadent dish, for women to almost feel their hips expanding.
PS. Low-carb diets such as Banting and Keto have produced amazing weight-loss results for both men and woman.
While you’ve probably heard of Keto, you could be wondering What is Banting?
The Perfect Weight Loss Diet Plan For Women – The Venus Factor
This is a woman specific weight loss plan designed by John Barban whose impressive credentials in this field speak for themselves (see below).
One of the main approaches of the program is in controlling the hormone leptin, which affects the body’s metabolism, consequently impacting on your weight.
Does Science Support This?
One of the first things in determining the effectiveness of a fat loss program, is to see whether the key strategy is backed up by science.
In this regard, The Venus Factor has a ton of scientific references supporting their claims & methodology (see the footer section on their website here) .
Furthermore, research published on the NCBI website shows that “Leptin therapy is useful in treating obesity…”
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism also found that the use of leptin contributed to ongoing weight loss.
Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that obese individuals lose weight with leptin monotherapy.
John Barban – Creator Of The Venus Factor

The creator of this massively popular program, John Barban, is a world renowned expert with degrees in physiology, human biology & nutrition and a Masters In Human Biology & nutrition also from the University of Guelph (Ontario Canada).
Whilst he doesn’t think they’re hands on enough & therefore doesn’t rate them, he also has training certifications in NSCA CSCS, ACE PT, CSEP as well as being a certified kinesiologist.
Furthermore, he’s worked in the dietary & sports supplement industry for eight years while researching & developing sports and weight loss supplements.
Just some of the supplements that he’s been involved with creating include;
- MuscleTech
- NxLabs
- Slimquick
- BlueStar Nutraceuticals
- Empowered Nutrition Products
Interestingly, about supplements, he says “you’re never going to find an answer there about weight loss or muscle building. In fact the more time you spend reading about supplements and fitness magazines in general, the less likely you are to find a useful answer about either. Ironic isn’t it!”
He first gained notoriety for his best selling weight loss program called the Adonis Golden Ratio Program which he created for men some years ago.
After he successfully helped men gain their perfect ratio he’s been concentrating his efforts & expertise on the female body.
Years of studying & working on creating the ultimate weight loss program helped him develop the Venus Factor which has helped so many women get into the shape they dreamed of
3 Reasons Why a Specific Fat Loss Diet Plan For Females Works
Here are a few reasons why a women-specific fat loss diet plan is necessary for a safe weight loss journey.
1. Nutritional Requirements
Women have some nutritional requirements that differ to those of men, for instance like these.
- Calcium – Women are prone to osteoporosis and a high-calcium diet may help lower their risk of this. High consumption of calcium may even be harmful for men which has been linked to an increase in prostate cancer.
- Iron – Women lose a significant amount of iron through their menstrual periods & therefore need additional iron in their diet. Pre-menopausal women require 18mg per day compared to 8mg of men as published by Harvard Health.
2. Women Are Notorious for Yo-Yo Dieting
Unfortunately for women, when they fall off the diet wagon, they seem to pile more weight back on as well as at a faster rate than men do.
This is down to the woman’s hormones that signals your brain to go into survival mode.
As a consequence, this not only slows the metabolic rate & rate of fat burning, but also increases fat reserves.
Therefore, not only is yo-yo dieting not going to achieve the desired weight loss results, it can also be harmful to your health.
In fact, Yo-yo dieting, which often includes sudden dietary changes & calorific restriction, increases production of the hormone cortisol, unleashing havoc on your health.
As a result, the risk of developing heart disease and cancer in women is increased.
Women who have lost at least 10 pounds, only to regain the weight within a year, are more likely to have a poor score on the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7
Ref: American Heart Association
John Barban, who witnessed his sister struggling to lose weight & going through depression as a result, identified this as a key stumbling block to weight loss amoungst women.
As a response to his sister’s diet & health issues, he developed The Venus Factor over a number of years to address this and other women-specific factors when it came to the struggle of losing weight.
3. Metabolism
When it comes to losing weight, you may have considered that your metabolism and fat burning ability that could affect your struggle with weight gain or loss.
Yes, your metabolism, or metabolic rate, could impact on how easily you are able to lose weight.
The Venus Factor’s key approach to weight loss, is to control the Leptin levels in your body, which is the hormone that affects your metabolic rate.
The higher your metabolic rate is, the more calories you’ll burn at rest, whilst a lower metabolic rate could lead to weight gain, despite exercising & following a healthy eating plan.
Furthermore, if you’re a woman you probably know that the male metabolism works differently to the female metabolism and that men tend to have a higher metabolism.
Starving Yourself Is No Solution To Permanent Weight Loss
This diet plan is not about restricting your calorie intake or resorting to energy sapping workouts that often work so well for men.
However, for best results, you will need to stick to this weight loss plan for period of 12 weeks.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to restrict your food portions.
In fact, restricting portion sizes is a key factor found in many diets and also the reason why they don’t provide long lasting results. People struggle sticking to restrictive diets, and if they do, they usually end up putting the weight back on.
It’s more about eating wholesome nutritious foods and avoiding those that encourage fat storage. You will be surprised at some of the foods on the list as it’s not only pastries, puddings & hamburgers that you’ll need to avoid.
Is This Diet For You?
If you’re a women determined to lose weight in the safest, quickest, and most natural way possible and to keep it off for good…
…then The Venus Factor is perfect for you.
Moreover, you’ll discover how to fire up your metabolism which is the key to burning fat. Your system may be geared for this already, but it’s like you just don’t have the match to ignite it.
The Venus Factor weight loss plan for women, is about exploiting one specific hormone in the woman’s body which is largely unused when it comes to burning fat. Most women aren’t even aware of this particular hormone, let alone how to trigger it to encourage weight loss.
Furthermore, during his research, John Barban discovered a herbal connection that helps the female body utilise that particular hormone, stored in the body, to burn fat.
Spot Training For Women To Target Fat Loss

Find a full length mirror, go stand in front of it and then identify those areas of your body where you’d like to shed fat from. For women it’s usually the bum, thighs or tummy.
Whilst exercise won’t help to target fat loss from those specific areas, there is a way to shed fat from those places where your body chooses to store it.
Remember, a woman’s body stores fat differently and it also burns fat differently to the way a man’s body does.
Therefore, for a woman to burn fat effectively, you need a program like this that’s designed specifically for a woman’s hormones and body type.
So if you’re not into those hard gym workouts designed for men, this will come as good news, as they are not effective for women.
This is where The Venus Factor really shows its value…
In addition to the other essential tools you get, it also provides you with access to a virtual nutritionist as well as an app to keep track of food intake.
There is also an online community, in the form of forums and blogs, which provide essential support during your weight loss journey.
Furthermore, there are no weekly weigh in meetings or expensive meals you need to buy from your local center each week.
Whilst The Venus Factor is the first weight loss plan designed specifically for women, it’s not so much a diet in the traditional sense but a unique formula to trigger fat burning in the female body.
Lastly, it’s not a “quick fix” weight loss plan, but rather a holistic solution to shedding excess fat over a 12 week period and keeping it off.
Ready To Lose Weight Safely and Naturally?